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Bigs Biology Class

In this class, we will discuss the famous work of some scientists, successfully complete biology lab assignments, examine why science is useful, introduce how a scientist works, and explore the many divisions in Biology.

I will be using the following textbook for reference: Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity 2nd edition.

However, a textbook is not required for this course.

**This is a continuation of the Fall Semester Biology class. The Fall Semester Biology class, however, is not a prerequisite for this course, and we will accept new students.

This Class Includes:

Lecture and lab for 18- 2-hour classes @ $10/hr

Lab Jacket - included in price ($16.99)

Fish (Perch) Dissection - kit included in price. ($9.95)

Squid Dissection - kit included in price. ($20.40)

Teacher: Jana Bennett

Tuition: $407

To register email:

March 1

Bigs S.T.E.A.M.

March 8

Bigs Yearbook/Graphic Design